In order to have a cure for any disease, we need to know what causes the illness. It is incredible how many chronic illnesses there are that doctors don’t know the causes or cures for them. Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid arthritis, and (GAD) generalized anxiety disorder, to name a few. I could write a whole page about these types of chronic diseases. I’m not saying there aren’t a lot of medications available to deal with these illnesses, but they only address the symptoms, and the side effects can be worse than the illness. I’m saying they don’t have any cures for them.
Since this is the case, you may have no alternative but to look for other possible ways of curing these illnesses. You can look into the areas that traditional medicine doesn’t look at for causes and cures.
There is one basic principle that must be taken into consideration. That is that the body can heal itself. We have seen it every day of our lives whenever we have had a scratch or even broken bone. If the body can heal these health problems, it makes sense it can heal other health problems.
First, we need to look at specific areas that can affect the health of the body, such as the Mind, body, and emotions.
If we are putting harmful food into our bodies, then it is understandable that it will negatively affect our bodies. If it’s true we are what we eat, what would you be? Change what you are eating and see if that doesn’t change how you feel. You might want to go to a specialist that gives you advice based on their experiences with similar problems such as yours.
Our thoughts have the most significant impact on our lives and those around us. Science has proven that every solid thing is made of atoms which are basically energy. So, if your negative thoughts and beliefs are energy, you can understand why you’re manifesting and experiencing difficulties in your life. If we are feeding our minds with negative thoughts, it only makes sense it would affect our bodies in a negative manner. It is amazing how much negative information and news we are receiving today. Between the economy, wars, and general discord, we are surrounded by negative news. On top of that, how often do you hear people say negative things about themselves? What kind of negative impact do you think that would have on them?
Even many traditional doctors say that the patient’s beliefs are very important to the healing process. If they feel they are getting better or becoming sicker, in either case, it can affect the state of their health.
If we would only spend a small percentage of time focusing on positive thoughts such as positive affirmations, we would be blown away by how much better we would feel. It is critical that we feed our minds with positive thoughts. You can do that by reciting positive affirmations, meditating on positive thoughts, and reading and watching positive material.
The best way to feel better is to be grateful for what you have in your life. The mere thought of Gratitude is one of the most powerful healing elements in the universe. If you are thinking about what you want, lost, or didn’t receive, I think you would agree that it’s enough to make anyone sick. Next week, sit down every morning, write a list of everything you are grateful for in your life, and see how much better you feel.
Most importantly, get away from toxic people and turn off the news, for God’s sake.
If we are under a great deal of stress and have experienced a great deal of trauma in our lives, it only makes sense that it would have a negative impact on our bodies and how we feel. I’m sure these negative experiences have created resentments against the people who were responsible for these horrible experiences in your life. The problem with resentments is that it’s like taking poison and hoping that the other person dies. Only you are killing yourself.
I know many people don’t believe it, but you can be free of all of the negative emotions that are causing you to feel bad or create illnesses in your body. It takes a tremendous amount of willingness and desire to be truly free. You are probably thinking, of course, I want to be free of these negative feelings and emotions, but it’s a lot easier to say it than it is to do it, especially since many of these emotions may be at a subconscious level. Many people have gotten used to being the victim, and it is tough for some people to do the work to let go of the resentments. It is very understandable in many situations that people feel justified for their anger and resentments, but what they don’t understand is that you set yourself free by forgiving these people. You aren’t doing it for them, and it doesn’t change the fact they were wrong; you are doing it for you. If you are genuinely willing at your core, there are ways to let go of these negative emotions to experience new happiness and freedom.
Many people feel incredible after having energy healings performed on them when their energy channel was opened, but sometimes the old feelings and problems return. It’s because you must address the causes of the blockages in the first place so you can hold onto those wonderful feelings of being open to the universe’s energy.