Reiki is a healing technique based on the principle that the practitioner can channel energy into the patient by means of holding their hands on or above the patient, to activate the natural healing processes of the patient’s body and restore physical and emotional well-being. The beauty of Reiki is that is not affiliated with any particular religion or practice.
“Reiki” comes from the Japanese words “rei” (Universal Life) and “Ki” (energy). So, Reiki is actually “spiritually guided life force energy”.
The energy can deteriorate in the body where there has been actual injury or perhaps physical or emotional trauma, and as expected it can cause sickness.
Reiki has been around for a great many years. Its present structure was first evolved in 1922 by a Japanese Buddhist called Mikao Usui, who apparently showed 2,000 individuals the Reiki technique during his lifetime. The training spread to the U.S. through Hawaii during the 1940s, and afterward to Europe during the 1980s.
Reiki is best held in a tranquil setting, yet it can to be completed anywhere. The patient will sit in a comfortable seat or lie on a table, completely dressed. There could be music, aromatherapy, or crystals placed in the energy centers of the body contingent upon the patient’s inclination.
The Reiki practitioner or Master can place his/her hands gently on or over areas of the head and body utilizing distinctive hand shapes, leaving them in one area for minutes at a time. The hands can be put in more than 20 distinct regions of the body.
If the client has a specific injury, the hands might be held simply over the injury for a longer period of time as needed.
While the practitioner holds his/her hands delicately on or over the body, the release of energy happens. During this time, the professional’s hands might become warm and shivering. Each hand position is held until the specialist detects that the energy has quit streaming.
When the practitioner or master feels that the warmth, or energy, in their grasp has lessened, they will move their hands and may put them over an alternate territory of the body.
The recipient of Reiki might feel a warming or tingling sensation, might see colors during the Reiki session or nothing at all but just pure relaxation. But for sure it will be a relaxing and pleasant experience.
Reiki is a great tool to promote stress reduction and relaxation and it will create an environment in the body to facilitate physical, mental and emotional healing. It is sometimes used as a complement to traditional medicine and it is provided to patients in many hospitals and medical care settings.