Reiki is a Japanese energy healing practice that has received increasing popularity due to its effectiveness in reducing people’s physical and emotional pain. Several studies have shown that Reiki could diminish the adverse side effects of chemotherapy, lower anxiety, stress, and pain in people undergoing surgery, and boost the immune system.
But what about animals? Could Reiki have positive effects on animals too? Well, according to the International Association of the Reiki Practitioners, Reiki could have many benefits for pets and, of course, their owners.
Before exploring what some of these benefits are, let’s see how Reiki works.
How Does Reiki Work?
In Reiki, the practitioner channels universal energy through his hands to the patient. This practice is known to balance and unblocks the body’s own energy centers and pathways to support its ability to heal itself.
Interestingly Reiki practitioners can perform it for people who are not physically present as well. All they need in this case is the recipient’s photo and a healing crystal. If you want to learn more about distance Reiki, click here.
Now, let’s explore the benefits.
Reiki Relieves Stress and Produces a State of Calmness in Your Pet Friend
Just like humans, animals can get stressed too. In their case, they experience three types of stress:
- Physical: due to fatigue or injury
- Physiological: due to hunger, thirst, extreme cold, or excessive heat
- Behavioral: due to the environment, strangers, or surroundings
No matter which type of stress a dog, cat, ferret, etc., suffers from, Animal Reiki could reduce its stress and promote its relaxation.
If you are in Orange County and own a sensitive and traumatized pet and look for a professional Animal Reiki practitioner, click here.
Reiki Relieves Pains, Aches, and Strains in Your Pet Friend
Pain relief, perhaps, is the most common result of Reiki in both animals and people. There are some cases in which abused and physically manipulated animals that have been under chronic pain were rescued by Reiki. Reiki is also known to relax muscles and joints that may be sore or in pain from injury or movement restrictions such as arthritis.
Yes, you read it right! Just like humans, animals like cats and dogs can suffer from different types of arthritis too. From fractures involving the joint to degenerative spinal joint disease, arthritis causes vary vastly among dogs and cats.
If you are in Orange County and own a pet suffering from arthritis, leg sprain, or strains, click here.
Reiki Is Effective Against Allergies in Your Pet Friend
Cats, dogs, and even horses do develop allergies, in pretty much the same way humans do. Food, flea bites, and environmental factors like pollen from grass are three main causes of allergies in animals.
Apparently, domestic pets are more prone to allergies than wild animals and farm animals that spend most of their time outdoors. This could be due to more hygienic surroundings, i.e., human houses, in which domestic pets live. Interestingly, when these animals’ immune systems have less work to do, they get inappropriately sensitized to normally harmless particles in the environment. In addition, animals generally tend to get more allergic as they get older.
If the cause of the allergy is not known, simply giving antihistamines or steroids to the animal won’t do any good. Instead, considering its inner energy could be the way to help the animal get rid of the problem. The theory behind Reiki is that energy imbalance is the cause of most physical and emotional problems in people and animals. So, allergies, obviously being one of those problems, could be gone if energy imbalances are dealt with by a holistic approach like Reiki.
And Finally
Even if a pet is not suffering from any specific physical pain or stress, Reiki is certainly an excellent way to show love and care to his pet and thus improve his bond with his pet.
If you look for a professional practitioner in Orange County to provide your pet with a wonderful Reiki therapy, Yrma Wilson, a Reiki practitioner with more than 31 years of experience, is your best option.
Resources :
International Associaition of Reiki Professioanls. (2011, May 11). Reiki for Pets.
10 Powerful Benefits Of Reiki Healing Therapy For Dogs [And How To Do It]. (n.d.). Ruffle Snuffle’s Life with Pets. Retrieved May 11, 2021, from
Kisner, J. (2020, April). Reiki Can’t Possibly Work. So Why Does It? The Atlantic.
Langlais, S. (2020, April 28). Long -Distance Reiki: What It Is & What TO Expect During A Session. mindbodygreen.
Stress in Animals. (n.d.). Humane Slaughter Association. Retrieved May 11, 2021, from
ARTHRITIS AND YOUR PET. (n.d.). ANIMAL CARE CLINIC. Retrieved May 11, 2021 from
Villazon, L. (n.d.). Do other animals get allergies?. Science Focus.
Chambreau, C. (2013, December 16). Balance your pet’s energy to control allergies & infections. ANIMAL WELLNESS MAGAZINE.