Reiki, otherwise known as palm healing or hands-on healing is a form of energy therapy. In this type of therapy, the practitioner uses his or her gentle touch to remove chakra blockages and thus relieve your physical and emotional pains. Now, what if we tell you that contrary to what you may think, it is not a must for you to be in the presence of your therapist to receive the treatment?! Well, since energy is not limited by distance, your therapist can link up to your energy field to remove your chakra blockages.
If you are looking for an expert in distant Reiki, Yrma Wilson with more than 31 years of experience in various Reiki techniques can assist your body to get rid of pains by either using the phone or internet. You can book your distant energy healing session at You can also call +1 (818) 383-1073 or send an email to if you want to know more.
A 50% discount on the first session is offered to first-time customers.