Energy flows through everything, so it only makes sense that you have energy flowing through your body. When you experience some type of physical accident or some type of emotional trauma in your life, it can create blockages in the energy running through your body. Reiki therapy is a Japanese energy healing system used to mend the energy centers or chakras around the body that control the flow of your energy. Reiki Therapy is used to activate the natural healing processes of your body to restore physical and emotional well-being.
People who are experiencing illness or emotional problems and haven’t been able to resolve through the use of traditional medicine or healthcare are the best candidates for exploring the use of Energy Healing. Sometimes the side effects of the medication that is prescribed seems to even make their situation worse, so they start to look at other non-traditional methods such as Charka healing, Reiki therapy or Charka cleanse. Many of these people are experiencing things like physical pain, nausea, depression, anxiety, lack of motivation, and fatigue.
Many of these people will look to Reiki therapy since it is the most recognized energy healing method known to the general public. Probably the reason it stands out so much is that many people have actually had very positive results using this therapy. Today it is offered at many hospitals and medical care settings in addition to traditional medical treatment.
During therapy sessions the Reiki Master will use a variety of tools such as crystals, aromatherapy, and sounds for the purpose of opening the client’s energy flow. The Reiki Masters place their hands above the client’s body to find the energy blockages in order to open their energy channel. Sometimes the client will immediately start to feel relief from their pain or emotional stress. Many times, the client will see colors, feel warmth, pulsing, or tingling sensations when the client’s energy starts to flow properly.
You might want to personally explore Reiki therapy if you are experiencing any of these types of emotional or physical issues.
Love and Peace
Yrma Wilson – Reiki Master