Reiki therapy is a non-invasive energy healing practice in which a therapist who can connect herself to the infinite supply of healing energy in the universe transfers it to others. Not only this complementary therapy is known to be effective against stress and anxiety, but also many studies have shown that it has a positive effect on people’s perception of pain. All these, in turn, promote better clinical outcomes for cancer patients.
If you want to have a deeper understanding of what reiki is in general, click here.
In this article, we look into how reiki helps cancer patients cope with clinical treatments. But before that, let’s see how reiki is seen by modern medicine.
Reiki, Already Acknowledged by Hospitals and Clinics throughout the World
Some hospitals and clinics across Germany, Australia, Canada, and the U.S. have already started to offer reiki to complement conventional cancer treatments. Many nurses and healthcare professionals offer Reiki as part of their patient care in these hospitals and clinics.
Why Finding a Genuine Reiki Practitioner is Not Easy Anyway?
Nonetheless, one should always keep in mind that there are no common standards of education or treatment agreed upon across all practice styles when it comes to Reiki. This is simply because Reiki is a grassroots movement rather than an academic medical practice. So, possession of a certificate doesn’t necessarily guarantee that the practitioner has undergone thorough training. So, if this is the case, how to get access to a genuine Reiki practitioner?
Well, the only way is to interact with your community to find a trained and experienced Reiki practitioner.
If you live in Orange County and want to meet a Reiki practitioner with more than 31 years of experience who have healed hundreds of people, click here.
Benefits of Reiki for Cancer Patients
Scientific research has already shown that body and mind are connected, and both must be at peace when confronting cancer. Reiki itself doesn’t cure cancer; however, this mind-body therapy lowers stress, promotes relaxation, and reduces pain. All these will lead to a higher expectation of recovery in patients. Amazingly, cancer patients with a higher expectation to get better tend to do so due to the release of the biological chemicals that alter specific areas of brain areas and aid in their recovery.
Reiki Reduces Chemotherapy Side Effects
Many reports of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy attest to Reiki’s role in giving them a sense of relaxation and physical and mental balancing. In one observational study, 22 out of 120 patients undergoing chemotherapy received four Reiki sessions besides chemotherapy. Interestingly, these 22 patients reported significant reductions in anxiety and pain.
If you are looking for a skilled Orange County Reiki practitioner who has helped many cancer patients, click here.
Resources :
Kember, L. (2015, May 12). Remarkable Healing Power of Reiki as Cancer Treatment.
Fayed, L. (2020, February 14). The Benefits of Reiki Therapy During Cancer Treatment. verywellhealth.
Cancer Research UK. (2019, January 22). Reiki.
Seluzicki, C. M., Corcoran, S., & Mao, J. J. (2019, November 21). What Does the Evidence Say about Reiki for Cancer? Ons Voice.
Penn Medicine News. (2014, January 6). Reiki: A Light Touch that Helps Cancer Patients.
Business Workplace Wellbeing Reiki Woking, Surrey, London or Distant. (n.d.). OLISTIQ. Retrieved May 16, 2021, from
Ringdahl, D. (n.d.). How Can I Find a Qualified Reiki Practitioner? TAKING CHARGE of your HEALTH WELLBEING.