Reiki, the Japanese energy healing method based on the idea of a life force energy existing in everyone’s body, is gaining more popularity as time passes. A large portion of this popularity is due to the role of Reiki in diminishing the side effects of chemotherapy shown by several studies.
However, you shouldn’t necessarily have cancer to experience the fantastic feel-good experience Reiki therapy offers you. Here are five benefits of Reiki therapy that may be of interest to you.
Reiki Reduces Your Stress and Anxiety
All of us feel stressed from time to time. In this day and age, many common factors regularly make us feel so. School, work, family, and daily responsibilities among all are related to routine stress in us.
According to a clinical study published in the US National Library of Medicine, Reiki increases the parasympathetic nervous system’s activity and contributes to reducing anxiety and depression. According to the same study, Reiki improves self-esteem and quality of life as well.
Amazed by the power of this complementary therapy? Keep reading to discover more.
Reiki Helps You to Have a More Focused Mind
Clinging to the past is many people’s bad habit. The majority of us keep thinking about the mistakes that we made in the past and lose our focus on the current events. Reiki clears the mind from the thoughts about the past and future and reminds us to live in the present moment. This, in turn, allows us to appreciate the people and things that are currently present in our lives.
If the benefits mentioned above are already enough for you to give Reiki a try, call us at +1 (818) 383-1073 to book an appointment in Orange County.
Reiki Boosts Your Mood
According to a 2011 study, Reiki could improve the overall mood. In this study, 40 university students were picked, and while their attention was absorbed in guided relaxation, some were exposed to noncontact Reiki. Since all the 40 students were blindfolded during the relaxation, none knew whether Reiki was performed on him or not. Both the Reiki and the non-Reiki group went through six 30-minutes sessions over two to eight weeks.
Amazingly, those students who had undergone Reiki showed improvement in their mood compared to the non-Reiki group.
Reiki Helps Yout to Have a Better Sleep
There are many factors from which insomnia could result. Change in environment, poor sleeping habits, chronic pain, depression, and anxiety, among others, could cause insomnia. In some cases, Reiki could be a great help in addressing the insomnia factor. In other cases, it could still help you establish better sleeping patterns by just making you relaxed despite the factor being present.
It is also with mentioning that it is not uncommon for people to fall asleep during the therapy.
Reiki Is Effective for Pain Relief
Many studies suggest Reiki could lower the levels of pain and fatigue. For example, in a 2015 study, women who had to give birth by cesarean delivery reported a significant reduction in pain, anxiety, and breathing rate. So, the number of painkillers that those women had to consume was reduced.
In another study conducted in 2018, both Reiki and physiotherapy were acknowledged as equally effective treatments for relieving lower back pain in people with herniated disks. Nevertheless, you still may want to choose Reiki over physiotherapy! Why? Because Reiki is inexpensive compared with physiotherapy and could result in faster treatment.
Book a Reiki Session
Even though Reiki is beneficial, it has to be performed by a true expert to have its positive effects to the fullest extent. If you look for genuine Reiki therapy in Orange County, call us at +1 (818) 383-1073 to book an appointment or ask questions regarding the procedure.
Contact Us Today to Get Started
Resources :
8 Benefits of Reiki Healing. (n.d.). Mindset First. Retrieved May 24, 2021, from
Jahantiqh, F., Abdollahimohammad, A., Firouzkouhi, M., & Ebrahiminejad, V. (2018). Effects of Reiki versus physiotherapy on relieving lower back pain and improving activities daily living of patients with intervertebral disc hernia. Journal of evidence-based integrative medicine, 23, 2515690X18762745.
Cronkleton, E. (2018, June 22). What Are the Benefits of Reiki and How Does It Work? healthline.
Midilli, T. S., & Eser, I. (2015). Effects of Reiki on post-cesarean delivery pain, anxiety, and hemodynamic parameters: a randomized, controlled clinical trial. Pain Management Nursing, 16(3), 388-399.
Bowde, D., Goddard, L., & Gruzelier, J. (2011). A randomised controlled single-blind trial of the efficacy of Reiki at benefitting mood and well-being. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2011.
Kisner, J. (n.d.). Reiki Can’t Possibly Work. SO Why Does It? The Atlantic.
National Institue of Mental Health. (n.d.). 5 Things Yous Should Know about Stress.